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Financial calculators are calculators that specialize in performing commonly used businesses functions. Specifically, these calculators have keys that calculate things such as simple interest, compound interest, amortization, margins, and commonly used conversions.
While other calculators, such as the Ti-30X IIS, the Ti-Nspire CX II CAS, or the Ti-84 Plus CE can perform these same calculations (even with the assistance of applications in cases of the more advanced Texas Instruments graphing calculators), calculators designed to be Financial Calculators calculate these business functions rapidly with ease.
Financial calcs such as the Texas Instruments BA II Plus, and the Texas Instruments BA II Plus Professional are approved for use on well known exams such as the GARP® Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) exam and the Chartered Financial Analyst® exam.
BA II Plus Financial CalculatorKey features Time-Value-of-Money (TVM) calculations Amortization schedules Cash-flow analysis, Net Present Value (NP...
View full detailsBA II Plus Professional Financial Calculator Key features Net Future Value (NFV) Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR) Modified Duration Payback...
View full detailsWhether you are a student or a practicing professional, the fast and powerful HP 10bll+ makes it easy to solve business, financial, statistical, an...
View full detailsA time-tested performer, the HP 12c has an easy-to-use layout, one-line LCD display and efficient RPN data entry. Easily calculate loan payments, i...
View full detailsWhile other calculators, such as the Ti-30X IIS, the Ti-Nspire CX II CAS, or the Ti-84 Plus CE can perform these same calculations (even with the assistance of applications in cases of the more advanced Texas Instruments graphing calculators), calculators designed to be Financial Calculators calculate these business functions rapidly with ease.
Financial calcs such as the Texas Instruments BA II Plus, and the Texas Instruments BA II Plus Professional are approved for use on well known exams such as the GARP® Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) exam and the Chartered Financial Analyst® exam.
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